Manage your Colleges or Universities Efficiently.

Student Management is a product of Busistream where the product effectively transforms the College and University management through academic delivery, increasing operational efficiency and focusing on student success.

Streamline your objectives in education industry

Plan your institution data and information, manage students and faculties resources and get things done on time effectively.

Student and Faculty Record Maintenance

Student Management has a separate database for students and faculty according to their departments and store complete information centrally and without redundancy.

More Time to focus on Strategic Tasks

With Student Management, Colleges and Universities can record and update the details of students and faculties; manage students attendance; prepare timetable and question papers for the students according to their departments; and records marks according to their subjects and categories.

Document Generation

Student Management comes with intuitive features facilitating question papers preparation for semester examinations; creating and generating hall tickets for the students; and generating mark sheets for students at the end of their semesters.

Benefits of Student Management

Facilitates students attendance management

Multiple Department Management

Helps in reducing paperwork

Can assign, remove and edit faculty for any subject

Creates question papers with just a few clicks

Hall Ticket and Mark sheet generation